An Interview with Marianne Brandis


  • Gary Draper


Résumé: Dans cette entrevue, Marianne Brandis explique la genèse de son œuvre littéraire et, surtout, de ses romans historiques. Elle montre l'influence de son contexte familial et défénit ses goûts littéraires et ses objectifs en tant que romancière. Fascinée par le langage, l'histoire et la formation de la personalité, elle commente sa carrière d'écrivain, de ses premières publications à ses plus récents projets, tout en s'attardant sur son autobiographie récemment publiée, Finding Words. Summary: In this interview, Marianne Brandis explores her own roots as a writer and the ways in which she works, especially in the creation of her historical novels. She examines the influence of her family background, her tastes in reading and learning, and her goals as a writer. Discussing earlier work as well as current projects, Brandis reveals her love of words and her fascination with both historical patterns and individual character. She also shares some of what she learned about herself and her work while writing her recently published autobiography, Finding Words.


