Gabrielle Roy raconte <em>Le Titanic</em>


  • Carol J. Harvey


Summary: The sinking of the Titanic is a tragedy that influenced several twentieth-century authors. Among them, Gabrielle Roy. In her collection of short stories Rue Deschambault, the narrative entitled "Le Titanic" establishes a correlation between the loss of the great ship and the apprenticeship and coming of age of young Christine, who is the only protagonist appearing in all stories. As adult characters reconstruct the tragedy, they focus progressively on their own moral perspective: by playing on those various viewpoints, Gabrielle Roy makes Christine define her own perception and interpretation of the tragedy. Résumé: Le naufrage du Titanic en 1912 est une catastrophe qui a marqué l'imaginaire du XXe siècle. Dans sa nouvelle de Rue Deschambault intitluée "Le Titanic", Gabrielle Roy met en relation la perte du grand bateau et l'apprentissage de la vie de la jeune Christine, protagonist de l'œuvre. Au fur et à mesure que les personnages adultes reconstruisent l'événement historique, ils colorent leur narration de leur perspective morale. À l'aide d'une focalisation variable et d'autres techniques narratives, Roy amène Christine à réfléchir sur sa propre attitude envers la tragédie.





